Session Details

[1P614-25]6. Solid Surfaces, Wetting, Adsorption and Adhesion

Tue. Sep 17, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 17, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM UTC
6. Solid Surfaces, Wetting, Adsorption and Adhesion(C104)

[P6-02]Vibrational Strong Coupling on Interface structure-controlled Electrodes

*Kazuma Kobashigawa1, Daiki Ashizawa1, Masaki Itatani2, Tomohiro Fukushima2,3, Kei Murakoshi2 (1. Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University (Japan), 2. Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University (Japan), 3. JST PRESTO (Japan))

[P6-04]Evaluation of stability against vapor conditions and CO2 adsorption capacity of porous boron nitride

*Haruki Kamiue1, Takahiro Ohkubo1 (1. Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science, and Technology, Okayama University (Japan))

[P6-06]Adsorption of pyrene on clay nanosheet in water

*Yuki Fukasawa1, Nanako Nishida1, Tetsuya Shimada1, Tamao Ishida1,2, Shinsuke Takagi1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. of Urb. Env. Sci., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Japan), 2. ReHES, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Japan))

[P6-08]Magnetic properties of iron-doped n-type porous silicon

*Tatsuya Yoshida1, Hirohumi Kanoh2 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chiba University (Japan), 2. Graduate School of Science (Japan))

[P6-10]Optimization of UV Absorption by Yuzu Peel-Derived Components Adsorbed onto Porous Silica

*Yuno Kanematsu1, Masashi Shibata1 (1. Graduate School of Biotechnology and Information Media, Tokyo University of Technology (Japan))

[P6-12]Enhancement of N2/CO2 Separation by Introducing Ionic Liquids into GO Interlayers

*Mami Wada1, Akira Sakima1, Taku Iiyama2, Ryusuke Futamura2 (1. Guraduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University (Japan), 2. Faculty of Science, Shinshu University (Japan))

[P6-14]Metal Substitution Effect on Adsorption Behavior of Cationic Porphyrins on Titania Nanosheets

*JIAHAO LU1, Yugo Hirade3, Tetsuya Shimada1, Shinsuke Takagi1,2 (1. Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan), 2. Research Center for Hydrogen Energy-based Society (Japan), 3. Advanced Collaborative Research Organization for Smart Society (ACROSS), Waseda University (Japan))

[P6-16]Evaluation of the adhesive strength of bubbles in water

*Hikaru Manabe1, Sora Ashiwa1, Tomoyasu Hirai2,3, Yoshinobu Nakamura2,3, Syuji Fujii2,3 (1. Department of Chemistry, Environment and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 2. Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 3. Nanomaterials micro device research center, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan))

[P6-18]Exploring the Viscoelastic Properties of the Silica-Ice Interface Using the Resonance Shear Method

*Michael Clive Stevens1, Masashi Mizukami1, Kazue Kurihara1 (1. Tohoku University (Japan))

[P6-20]Concentration and accumulation of inorganic salts by laser-induced microbubbles in THF

*Takuro Moriyama1 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University (Japan))

[P6-22]Dry liquid metals developed based on dry liquid engineering

*Shogo Iwasaki1, Tomoyasu Hirai2,3, Yoshinobu Nakamura2,3, Hideya Kawasaki4, Syuji Fujii2,3 (1. Department of Chemistry, Environment and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 2. Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 3. Nanomaterials micro device research center, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 4. Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Kansai University (Japan))

[P6-24]Proposal of a method for measuring viscosities of liquids near a substrate and a cell surfaces using optical tweezers: Comparison with a conventional method

*Takumi Otake1, Ryuki Kajita1, Mitsuhiro Iwaki2,3, Ken-ichi Amano4 (1. Graduate School of Agriculture, Meijo University (Japan), 2. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan), 3. RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (Japan), 4. Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University (Japan))