Session Details

[2B01-03]1. Surfactants and Amphiphilic Materials

Wed. Sep 18, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM JST
Wed. Sep 18, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC
Room B(B101)
Chair:Atsunori Morigaki(Lion)

[2B01]Dispersibility of Decane Dosed with Oleic Acid from the Perspective of Corrosion Inhibitors

*Susumu Hirano1,2, Tatsuya Sei3, Tomokazu Yasuike1 (1. The Open University of Japan (Japan), 2. INPEX Solutions (Japan), 3. INPEX Corporation (Japan))

[2B02]Dynamic Structural Color Change of Coloring Emulsions

*Chihiro Fujiwara1 (1. Department of Industrial Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science (Japan))

[2B03]Difference between mixture of surfactant ions and that of counterions on equilibrium: Their comparison by experimental data

*Hideo Akisada1, Tomokuni Kina1, Kouji Oomoto1, Junnko Kuwahara2 (1. Faculty Technology, Kyushu Kyoritsu University (Japan), 2. Faculty Technology, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (Japan))