Session Details
[15a-K302-1~11]13.9 Compound solar cells
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
K302 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Hideaki Araki(Natl. Inst. of Tech.,Nagaoka Col.)
[15a-K302-1]Investigation of stability in water splitting of CIGS photoelectrode formed ordered vacancy compounds (OVC)
〇Shintaro Okuyama1, Kana Ueda1, Mutsumi Sugiyama1,2 (1.Tokyo Univ. Sci., 2.RIST)
[15a-K302-2]Performance Enhancement of Low-Temperature Grown CIGSe Solar Cells Using Ag Precursor Layers
〇(D)Yosuke Abe1, Takahito Nishimura1, Akira Yamada1 (1.Science Tokyo)
[15a-K302-3]Evaluation of Photoabsorption Layer for Chalcopyrite Solar Cells by FTPS
〇Tomoki Ichikawa1, Mitsuhide Ueda1, Shigeru Yamada1, Takashi Itoh1, Takahito Nishimura2, Akira Yamada2 (1.Gifu Univ., 2.Science Tokyo)
[15a-K302-4]High shunt resistance and thick film technology for CIGS radiation detectors
〇Jiro Nishinaga1, Yukiko Kamikawa1, Manabu Togawa2, Kousuke Itabashi2, Masaya Miyahara2, Keigo Urasaki3, Masataka Imura4, Shogo Ishizuka1 (1.AIST, 2.KEK, 3.Univ. of Tsukuba, 4.NIMS)
[15a-K302-5]High Fill factor of CIGS integrated circuit by low-series resistance
〇Jiro Nishinaga1, Yukiko Kamikawa1, Takeshi Nishida1, Hajime Shibata1, Shogo Ishizuka1 (1.AIST)
[15a-K302-6]Optimizing the band offsets of transparent conducting Zn1-xSnxO1+δ alloy to wide-gap Cu(In,Ga)Se2 via oxygen stoichiometry control
〇(PC)CheukKaiGary Kwok1, Mekan Toyjanov1, Muhammad Monirul Islam1, Takeaki Sakurai1 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba)
[15a-K302-7]Deposition and Composition Control of Zn(O, S) Thin Films via Mist CVD
〇Akihiro Funaki1, Yohei Araki1, Takahito Nishimura1, Akira Yamada1 (1.Science Tokyo)
[15a-K302-8]Characteristics of Li-doped NiO thin films deposited by pressure gradient sputtering for back contact of CIGSe solar cells
〇Maski Hashimoto1, Yosuke Abe1, Takahito Nishimura1, Akira Yamada1 (1.Science Tokyo)
[15a-K302-9]Study of the composition of the stacked Cu-Ga/In precursor in Cu(In,Ga)S2
〇Yota Suzuki1, Hiromu Kobayashi1, Takahito Nishimura1, Akira Yamada1 (1.Science Tokyo)
[15a-K302-10]Fabrication of n-type SnS by Bi doping
〇Sakiko Kawanishi1, Kaito Yagi1, Taichi Nogami2, Issei Suzuki2, Takahisa Omata2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Tohoku Univ.)
[15a-K302-11]Fabrication of ZnSnP2 crystals by selective area epitaxy
〇Isshin Sumiyoshi1, Yoshitaro Nose1, Sebastian Lehmann2, Aidas Urbonavicius2, Kimberly Dick2, Simon Steinvall2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Lund Univ.)