Session Details

[15p-K509-1~7]13.1 Fundamental properties, surface and interface, and simulations of Si related materials

Sat. Mar 15, 2025 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM JST
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 4:30 AM - 6:15 AM UTC
K509 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Nobuya Mori(Osaka Univ.)

[15p-K509-1][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Monte Carlo simulation of electron mobility in semiconductor nanosheets with arbitrary crystallographic orientations

〇Jo Okada1, Hajime Tanaka1, Nobuya Mori1 (1.Osaka University)

[15p-K509-2]First-principles study on diffusion mechanism of Li ion in Si—Ge heterostructure

〇Kenichi Koizumi1, Yoshiteru Kono1 (1.Tokuyama Corporation)

[15p-K509-3]Theoretical Analysis of Hydrogen-Terminated Si Atomic-layer Ribbons
-Dependence of Electronic Structures on Ribbon Thicknesses and Widths-

〇(P)Junhuan Li1, Kouji Inagaki1, Kenta Arima1 (1.Osaka Univ.)

[15p-K509-4]Atomic Insight for Regulation of Interfacial Thermal Transport Between Si and AlN via Machine Learning Potential

〇(D)Wang Weitao1, Yunhui Wu1, Sebastian Volz1, Masahiro NOMURA1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)

[15p-K509-5]Numerical Analysis of Random Potential due to Substrate Impurities in MOSFETs

〇Kaoru Kato1, Hajime Tanaka1, Nobuya Mori1 (1.Osaka Univ.)

[15p-K509-6]Drift Velocity Calculation by Cellular Automaton - Anisotropy & k-space Meshing

〇Koichi Fukuda1, Junichi Hattori1 (1.SFRC AIST)

[15p-K509-7]TCAD Simulation Analysis of Stacked Nanosheet Transistors

〇Yicheng Liu1, Jin hyong Lim1, Hajime Tanaka1, Nobuya Mori1 (1.Osaka Univ.)