Presentation Information

[3F03]Texture evolution of high carrier mobility In2O3 transparent conductive films.

*Kanto Fukugawa1,2, Kaoru Igarashi2, Junichi Nomoto1 (1. Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology)
Solid-phase crystallized H-doped In2O3 (spc-IO:H) exhibit an extremely high-carrier mobility (µ over 100 cm2/Vs). These properties result in a low optical loss over a wide optical range, which makes this material a promising candidate for many applications. In this study, we investigated the effects of radio frequency and pulsed-direct current magnetron sputtering conditions for precursor on the texture evolution, and carrier transport of spc-IO:H films. We found that as-deposited films contain small crystallites, and its density increased with increasing deposition power. These difference in crystallite density is probably due to the difference in the energy magnitude of the deposition particles. We also found that clearly shows that the IO:H films contained with a lower crystallite density were formed larger crystal grains after annealing. All the films, µ increased upon crystallization. However, we found that the grain size does not directly determine the carrier mobility.

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