Presentation Information

[3F05]Fabrication of oxide semiconductor thin films using aqueous precursor solutions with an excimer light and characterization of thin-film transistors

*Hideya Ochiai1, Ryosuke Kasahara1, Hideo Wada1, Masatoshi Koyama1, Akihiko Fujii1, Akihiro Shimizu2, Noritaka Takezoe2, Shion Yamaguchi2, Hiroyasu Ito2, Toshihiko Maemoto1 (1. Nanomaterials Microdevices Research Center, Osaka Institute of Technology, 2. Optical Process GBU, Industrial Process Division, Ushio Incorporated)
In2O3, Ga2O3, and In0.5Ga0.5O precursor solutions were prepared, and In2O3, Ga2O3, and In0.5Ga0.5O thin films were formed on glass substrates using the spin coating method. Subsequently, the samples were prepared with and without excimer light irradiation for 90 min. The AFM results indicated that the RMS roughness of the specimens without excimer irradiation ranged from 2 to 6 nm, whereas the RMS roughness of the specimens irradiated with excimer light was less than 1 nm. Therefore, the excimer light irradiation flattened the surface, which may be due to the effective decomposition of the molecules in the precursor solution by the excimer light-assisted process, which may have resulted in a flat surface. These results indicated that excimer light irradiation can form a flat thin film, which was important because the flatness of the thin film affected the performance and reliability of TFTs.

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