
[1G02]On the Hoop Tensile Behavior of Cr-coated Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding by Advanced Expansion Due to Compression (A-EDC) Test

*魏 子棋1、李 博1、Jovellana John Andrew Kane1、Yang Zongda1、Cui Lijuan3、Qiu Risheng4、叶野 翔2、阿部 弘亨1 (1. 東京大学、2. 国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構、3. 四川大学(中国)、4. 重慶大学(中国))



The hoop tensile properties of Cr-coated Zircaloy-4 nuclear fuel cladding were investigated using the advanced expansion due to compression (A-EDC) technique. The coating layers were deposited on Zircaloy-4 substrate through pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Mechanical testing was performed at RT, 573K, 673K and 773K. Nano-indentation measurements and X-ray diffraction analysis were employed to characterize the coating's elastic modulus and residual stress, respectively. The coating's failure mechanism was quantitatively assessed by examining the relationship between local strain and surface crack density. The findings revealed that the thin nanocrystalline/amorphous Cr coating exhibited enhanced resistance to crack formation and propagation.