[1H13]Calcium Isotope Separation with Crown Ether via SLE method: Cool Plasma ICP-MS Analysis
*Pantiwa Kumsut1, Ryuta Hazama1, Takaaki Yoshimoto1, Chonlada Pitakchaianan1, Kanyanan Kosinarkaranun1, Anawat Rittirong2 (1. Osaka Sangyo Univ., 2. Osaka Univ.)
Isotope Separation、Enrichment、Crown-ether、Solid-Liquid Extraction
Calcium-48 (48Ca) is crucial for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) research but has a low natural abundance (0.19%). To meet the demand for enriched 48Ca, this study explored cost-effective enrichment using solid-liquid extraction (SLE) with DC18C6 crown ether and separation by using a low vacuum filter separation system. The separation factor for 48Ca/40Ca demonstrated a significant isotope effect and promising trends in 48Ca enrichment. The ion concentration of each phase was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS: AA-6800). On the other hand, isotope ratios were measured using cool-plasma ICP-MS (ICP-MS: Agilent 7900), which improved accuracy by reducing interference such as 40Ar+, which is problematic to 40Ca. These advancements highlight the potential for efficient 48Ca enrichment to support future 0νββ experiments