[2C07]Effect of JENDL-5 nuclear data library on criticality and fission rate distributions of full MOX BWR core mockup experiments FUBILA
*Toru Yamamoto1 (1. No affiliation)
EOLE、FUBILA、Full MOX BWR mockup core、MVP3、JENDL-5、JENDL-4.0、Neutron multiplication factor、Fission rate distribution、Thermal neutron scattering law
Using the MVP3 Monte Carlo code with the JENDL-5 base neutron library, analysis of criticality and fission rate distributions was performed for the full MOX BWR mockup cores in the FUBILA program. The analysis results were compared with those with JENDL-4.0. As a result, the trend in keffs with the numbers of the 7.0 wt% Put MOX fuel rods in the driver region was improved while the updated thermal neutron scattering law (TSL) of water in JENDL-5 brought worse C/Es in comparison of the calculated core radial fission rate distributions with the measurements.