
[2I03]Development of oxide dispersion strengthened Cu alloys for fusion divertors by low-energy mechanical alloying

*Hao Yu1, Sosuke Kondo1, Yasuyuki Ogino1, Minha Park1, Ryuta Kasada1 (1. Tohoku University)


ODS-Cu、Mechanical alloying、Fusion divertor

Oxide dispersion strengthened Cu (ODS-Cu) alloys fabricated using the mechanical alloying (MA) process possess high thermal conductivity, superior strength and resistance to neutron irradiation, making them promising heat sink materials for the divertors in fusion demonstration power stations (DEMO). Considering their future application in fusion reactors, mass-production of ODS-Cu alloys is a must. However, due to the high ductility of Cu, the powders agglomerate easily during MA process. This study aims to create a novel low-energy MA approach for the mass-production of ODS-Cu alloys. Characterization on microstructure and mechanical properties of the ODS-Cu alloys fabricated by the low-energy MA method will be presented.

