
[14a-K302-3]Development of magneto-optical Kerr effect measurement techniques under pulsed magnetic fields

Sota Nakamura1, Atsutoshi Ikeda1, Takahiro Noda2, Akihiko Ikeda2, 〇Shingo Yonezawa1 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Univ. Electro-Communications)


Magneto-optical Kerr effect、Pulsed magnetic fields、Ferromagnet

Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) is characterized by the rotation of polarization of light upon the reflection from the surface of a magnetic sample. MOKE serves as an excellent tool to investigate magnetic properties of materials in a non-contact and fast ways. However, the polarization rotation due to MOKE is typically less than 10 mrad. It is sometimes not straightforward to measure such a small effect. In particular, MOKE measurements in pulsed magnetic fields, where strong field is generated within a short time (typically of the order of 1 msec), is challenging because high-resolution measurement should be achieved within a short time. Nevertheless, MOKE under pulsed field would become a powerful and fast tool to investigate magnetic properties of non-transparent materials or thin films in high magnetic fields. Here, we are developing a new setup to measure MOKE under pulsed magnetic field exceeding 10 T with the pulse width of around 2 msec. We succeeded in measuring MOKE of various ferromagnets such as Fe or Ni. In this presentation, we explain the status of our development.

