[14a-P02-3]Dip and pull set up for oxygen evolution reaction under vapor reaction conditions at the BL46XU beamline of SPring-8
〇Okkyun Seo1, Yasumasa Takagi1, Satoshi Yasuno1, Tappei Nishihara1 (1.JASRI)
AP-HAXPES、Dip and pull、Water splitting
The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on metal catalysts during water splitting occurs at the solid-liquid interface, where a nanometer-thick liquid layer forms on the surface of the catalysts during the electrochemical reaction. Analyzing the oxidation state, surface atomic composition, and surface bonding characteristics on the surface of the catalysts is crucial for gaining insights into the catalytic properties, mechanisms, and active reaction sites.
The BL46XU beamline at SPring-8 has recently undergone significant upgrades, including new optics and instrumentation, as of July 2023. A state-of-the-art ambient pressure Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (AP-HAXPES) system has been installed, enabling the study of liquid-phase reaction conditions on catalysts. This presentation introduces an experimental setup based on the dip-and-pull method developed for the BL46XU beamline. We also describe the sample preparation techniques for catalysts in powder form and present experimental results obtained using this approach. This methodology, combined with AP-HAXPES, provides valuable insights into the catalytic mechanisms at the solid-liquid interface, contributing to advancements in electrochemistry.
The BL46XU beamline at SPring-8 has recently undergone significant upgrades, including new optics and instrumentation, as of July 2023. A state-of-the-art ambient pressure Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (AP-HAXPES) system has been installed, enabling the study of liquid-phase reaction conditions on catalysts. This presentation introduces an experimental setup based on the dip-and-pull method developed for the BL46XU beamline. We also describe the sample preparation techniques for catalysts in powder form and present experimental results obtained using this approach. This methodology, combined with AP-HAXPES, provides valuable insights into the catalytic mechanisms at the solid-liquid interface, contributing to advancements in electrochemistry.