[14p-K302-3]Anisotropic spin-orbit torque unleashed by Fermi surface symmetry reduction
〇杉本 聡志1、荒木 康史2、家田 淳一2、葛西 伸哉1 (1.物材機構、2.原子力機構)
Topological insulator、Spin-orbit torque、Spintronics
The design of spin polarization is an essential agenda for further development of spin-orbit torque (SOT) applications. Typical polarization vectors lack the out-of-plane (OOP) and one of the in-plane (IP) components, leading to nondeterministic switching problems at type-z and type-x configurations. Unleashing these unconventional SOTs has principally required additional symmetry breaking for thin-film layered structures. Here, we introduce a new approach to induce huge OOP and IP SOTs for Bi2Te3/CoFeB heterostructures, relying on a unique symmetry reduction protocol of the Fermi surface.