
[14p-K303-11]Investigation on the current induced domain-wall motion in Pt/GdFe wires for thinner GdFe region

〇Masaaki Tanaka1, Takuto Sakamoto1, Toshiki Tokuyama1, Hirofumi Tozuka1, Syuta Honda2, Hiroyuki Awano3, Ko Mibu1 (1.Nagoya Inst. Tech., 2.Kansai Univ., 3.Toyota Tech. Inst.)


Spintronics、Current induced domain-wall movement

Electric-current-induced movements of domain walls in magnetic wires are paid attention because of the curiosity from their potential as new spintronics devices. In this presentation, we show the domain-wall velocity on the GdFe/Pt wires with various thickness for a thinner region. It is found that the domain-wall velocity increases with an increase in the current, and the increase rate increases with a decrease in the GdFe film thickness. For the GdFe/Pt wires with the GdFe thicknesses over 10 nm, the rate of increase as a function of the current slows down, and the velocity does not increase above 1500 m/s. In contrast, for the wire with t = 8 nm, the velocity increased smoothly with increasing current, and a high velocity of more than 5000 m/s was observed. These findings demonstrate that ultrathin GdFe films with the thicknesses below 10 nm enable high-speed domain-wall movement.

