
[16a-K305-2]Silicon nitride high-mesa waveguide proposal for photonics integrated breath sensor

〇(D)Sara Bruhier1, Haisong Jiang1, Kiichi Hamamoto1 (1.Kyushu Univ., I-EggS)


silicon nitride、gas sensing、sidewall roughness scattering

Our study focuses on designing a CMOS-compatible sensing waveguide for our photonics integrated chip breath sensor, that achieves both high air confinement (>10%) and minimizes propagation loss. We propose a silicon nitride-based waveguide for a wide spectral range, supporting TE0, TM0, and TE1 mode propagation that are introduced by the polarization rotator in our sensing circuit. This design not only improves air confinement but also potentially reduces sidewall roughness-induced scattering loss by up to hundredth times compared to our previous silicon-on-insulator design.

