[16a-P07-1]Anisotropic sensitivity of nanoimprinted Au nanopillar array
via polarized LSPR
〇(P)Jessiel Siaron Gueriba1, Hiroki Shigemori1, Hubert Hauser2, Masaaki Kurita3, Hidenori Nagai1,4, Satoshi Fujita1,4, Eiichi Tamiya1,4 (1.AIST, 2.Temicon GmbH, 3.Tanaka Precious Metal Technologies Co., Ltd., 4.Osaka Univ.)
In this work, we show the polarization dependence of the localized surface plasmon resonance of Au nanopillar array fabricated by nanoimprint lithography. We also demonstrate that by introducing anisotropy to the nanopillar array, access to tunable resonance frequencies on a single spot can be realized. This is mainly attributed to the variation in the relative heights of the nanopillars along different electric field polarizations. Our simulation shows variation in resonant frequencies as we vary the pillar heights through different cross-sections on the chip. A cross-section with a higher relative pillar height (200nm) shows longer resonant wavelengths while a lower relative pillar height (100nm) shows shorter resonant wavelengths. Correspondingly, the anisotropy in the pillared array results to an anisotropy to its biosensing sensitivity. Our results show that in the case of Aptamer-Thrombin Assay, the longer peak wavelength tuned at 60o polarization direction (relative to the long axis of the elliptical nanopillar) shows significantly higher sensitivity than the relatively shorter peak wavelength tuned at 150o polarization. This surface feature of the anisotropic nanopillar array can be used to benchmark the optimal resonance frequency for specific sensing applications by tuning the plasmonic frequency via a polarized light. Further insights on future applications of this technology will be discussed during the conference.