
[16p-K405-14]Vacuum-Deposited Metal Halides Interlayers for Tin Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

〇ChienYu Chen1, Fuyuki Harata1, Richard Murdey1, Atsushi Wakamiya1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)


perovskite solar cell、tin halide perovskite、interlayer

The interfaces between perovskites and their adjacent carrier transport layers significantly affect the performance of perovskite solar cells. In this work, several vacuum-deposited metal halides were used as interlayers between tin halide perovskites and C60 electron transport layers. The open-circuit voltages and fill factors of FA0.75MA0.25SnI3 (FA: formamidinium; MA: methylammonium) solar cells were enhanced by the optimized interlayer, resulting in an increase in device PCE from 10.2% to 12.8%. The shelf and operational stability of the devices were also improved. Additionally, the interlayer was found to be effective for FASnI3 and PEA0.15FA0.85SnI3 (PEA: phenethylammonium) solar cells. In this presentation, we will discuss the mechanism by which the interlayers improve solar cell performance.

