[16p-K504-12]Structures and dielectric properties of ultrathin ZrO2 freestanding membranes
〇Yufan Shen1, Kousuke Ooe2,3, Kazuki Shitara2, Shunsuke Kobayashi2, Takeshi Yoshimura4, Tomoaki Yamada5, Yuichi Shimakawa1, Kan Daisuke1 (1.Kyoto Univ. ICR, 2.JFCC, 3.Monash Univ, 4.Osaka Metropolitan Univ, 5.Nagoya Univ)
ferroelectric、freestanding membrane
Freestanding membranes of complex oxides have been recently demonstrated to be obtained by epitaxially growing oxides on sacrificing layers and by subsequently etching sacrificing layers selectively, which can be stacked with any other materials that structurally differ from the exfoliated ones, enabling the fabrications of stacking structures and heterostructures that cannot be made by conventional films growth techniques.
In this study, we fabricated ZrO2 (ZO) freestanding membranes by selectively etching La0.7Sr0.3MnO3(LSMO) layers and exfoliating ZrO2 layers from ZO/LSMO/SrTiO3(STO) epitaxial heterostructures. A plan-view scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) observation shows that 5-nm-thick ZO membrane has a (101)-oriented metastable tetragonal structure. The ZO membranes with the tetragonal structure display dielectric constants as high as ~25 and could be used for further storage devices.
In this study, we fabricated ZrO2 (ZO) freestanding membranes by selectively etching La0.7Sr0.3MnO3(LSMO) layers and exfoliating ZrO2 layers from ZO/LSMO/SrTiO3(STO) epitaxial heterostructures. A plan-view scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) observation shows that 5-nm-thick ZO membrane has a (101)-oriented metastable tetragonal structure. The ZO membranes with the tetragonal structure display dielectric constants as high as ~25 and could be used for further storage devices.