[16p-K505-7]Quantitative assessment of fiber alignment in CFRP using Persistent Homology
〇Xichan Gao1, Kazuto Akagi1, Daiki Kido2, Mayrene Uy2, Masao Kimura2 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.KEK)
CFRP、persistent homology、carbon fiber alignment
The lightweight features and unique mechanical properties of CFRP are attributed to their multi-component structure, however, the composite structure also imposes performance limitations. The failure behavior of CFRP is influenced by the properties of matrix resin, fibers, fiber-resin interfaces, and the relative geometric alignment of fibers. Despite extensive research, a gap remains in understanding how the spatial distribution of composite constituents affects crack initiation and propagation. In this paper, we established an innovative scoring method to assess fiber alignment in CFRP using persistent homology, provided a fundamental understanding of the crack propagation mechanism.