[15p-P04-1~4]3.14 Optics and Photonics English Session
2025年3月15日(土) 13:30 〜 15:30
P04 (森戸記念体育館)
[15p-P04-1]Selective formation of different crystalline morphologies of 9,10-diphenylanthracene drop cast film by controlled nucleation in solution
〇(D)Claire Heck1, Kenji Kamada1 (1.AIST)
[15p-P04-2]Benchmark molecular design strategy to achieve dual enhancement of record high two-photon absorption cross-section with TADF character
〇(D)GomathiVinayakam Mageswari1, Youhei Chitose1, Ja-Hon Lin2, Youichi Tsuchiya1, Chihaya Adachi1 (1.Kyushu Univ, 2.Nati Taipei Univ Tec)
[15p-P04-3]TiO2 Nanoantenna Stickers for Large-Area Moire Metamaterials with Tunable Chiral Optical Properties
〇Jiayang He1, Shunsuke Murai1, Tienyang Lo1, Katsuhisa Tanaka1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)
[15p-P04-4]Sub-Cycle MIR Pulse Stabilization by Application of Electric Field on the Laser Filament
〇(PC)Neil Irvin Cabello1, Shuto Nakamura1, Takao Fuji1 (1.Toyota Tech. Inst.)