Session Details

[2B13-17]Fuel Debri Measurements

Thu. Mar 13, 2025 3:55 PM - 5:25 PM JST
Thu. Mar 13, 2025 6:55 AM - 8:25 AM UTC
Room B(Zoom room 2)
Chair:Yuta Terasaka(JAEA)

[2B13]Development of analysis and estimation techniques to determine the properties of fuel debris(5) Development of active neutron method (FNDI method)

*Masao Komeda1, Yosuke Toh1, Makoto Maeda1 (1. JAEA)

[2B14]Development of analysis and estimation techniques to determine the properties of fuel debris(6) Development of active neutron method (FFCC method)

*Yosuke Toh1, Makoto Maeda1, Masao Komeda1 (1. JAEA)

[2B15]Development of analysis and estimation techniques to determine the properties of fuel debris(7) Research and development of passive gamma-ray method

*Kenichi Terashima1, Taichi Matsumura1, Masahiro Sakamoto1, Masaaki Kaburagi1, Tomooki Shiba1, Saki Sugizaki2, Keisuke Okumura1 (1. JAEA, 2. E&E Techno Service)

[2B16]Development of analysis and estimation techniques to determine the properties of fuel debris(8) Evaluation of numerical analysis and experimental results for passive gamma-ray method

*Masaaki Kaburagi1, Tomooki Shiba1, Taichi Matsumura1, Masahiro Sakamoto 1, Kenichi Terashima 1, Saki Sugizaki2, Keisuke Okumura 1 (1. JAEA, 2. E&E Techno Service)

[2B17]A Proposal of Neutron Detection Method in High Gamma-ray Background for Debris Search in the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

*Ikuo Kanno1, Masaaki Kaburagi1, Taichi Matsumura1, Eka Riyana1, Kenichi Terashima1, Masahiro Sakamoto1, Keisuke Okumura1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Time reserved for Chair