Academic Organizations
- The Chemical Society of Japan (Co-organizer)
- Atomic Energy Society of Japan
- Japan Health Physics Society
- Japan Mössbauer Spectroscopy Forum
- Japan Radioisotope Association
- Japan Society for Tandem Accelerators and Their Associated Technologies
- Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry
- Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management
- The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
- The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
- The Geochemical Society of Japan
- The Japanese Society of Hot Spring Sciences
- The Japanese Society of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Research
- Radiation Ecudation Forum
- Radiation Safety Forum
- Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Chugoku-Shikoku branch
- The Japanese Radiation Research Society
- The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment
- Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine
- Japan Geoscience Union
- The Japan Association of Activation Analysis
- Indian Association of Nuclear Chemists and Scientists
- The International Committee on Activation Analysis (ICAA)
- Nikon Instruments Inc.
- MIRION Technologies Inc.
- Japan Radioisotopes Association
- PDRadiopharma Inc.
- Kitaharashouji Co. Ltd.
- Nakayama Co. Ltd.
- Xray Science Corporation
- MicroSupport Co. Ltd
- Visible Information Center, Inc.
- Yashima Pure Chemicals Co. Ltd.
- Shimadzu Corporation
- Sowa Trading Co. Ltd.
- GL Sciences Inc.
- SEIKO EG&G Co. Ltd.
- Nu Instruments
- Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
- Japan Environmental Research Co. Ltd.
- ATOX Co. Ltd.
- TechnoAP Co. Ltd.
- Art Kagaku (アート科学株式会社)
- Japan Chemical Analysis Center