Session Details

[2oral501-11]T13 [Topic Session]Latest Studies in Sedimentary Geology

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 11:45 PM - 3:00 AM UTC
oral room 5(General Education_Section1-132)
Chiar:Natsuko ADACHI(Osaka Metropolitan University), Fumito SHIRAISHI(Hiroshima University), Dan Matsumoto

[T13-O-11]Process change from shallow marine to slope: the Miocene Chichibumachi Formation, Chichibu Bonchi Group, central Japan

*Naohisa NISHIDA1 (1. Tokyo Gakugei University)

[T13-O-13]How did the background paleoenvironmental changes influence on initiation of earthquake-induced turbidity currents: Examples from turbidite records in a slope basin off Omaezaki and central Japan Trench basins

*Ken IKEHARA1, Takashi ISHIZAWA2, Toshiya KANAMATSU3, Yoshitaka NAGAHASHI4, Yasufumi SATOGUCHI5, Takuya ITAKI1 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2. Tohoku University, 3. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 4. Fukushima University, 5. Lake Biwa Museum)

[T13-O-14]Identification of thick turbidite mud for paleo-earthquake study in the ocean

*Juichiro ASHI1, Masafumi MURAYAMA2, Ryo NAKANISHI3 (1. UTokyo, 2. Kochi University, 3. Kyoto University)

[T13-O-15]Analysis of turbidite transport processes in marine cores collected off Cape Muroto

*Masafumi MURAYAMA1, Sari Akutsu1, Juichiro Ashi2, Naomi Harada2, Chisato Anai1, Yuhji Yamamoto1 (1. Kochi university, 2. The University of Tokyo)


[T13-O-16]Formation mechanism of double-layered spherical concretions from the Atsuta Formation, Ishikari, Hokkaido

*Alvin Loran Yamaguchi PRAET1, Hidekazu YOSHIDA2, Yusuke MURAMIYA3, Akihiro KANO1, Taro KIDO1, Nagayoshi KATSUTA4 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Nagoya University Museum, 3. Fukada Geological Institute, 4. Gifu University)

[T13-O-17]Geochemical and morphological features of pedogenic dolomite in South Australia

*Aki SAKUMA1, Akihiro KANO1, Chizuru TAKASHIMA2, Akira MURATA1, Asuka YAMAGUCHI3, Taiga OKUMURA1, Kana NAGASHIMA4, Yoshimi KUBOTA5 (1. Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Sciene, The University of Tokyo, 2. Faculty of Education, Saga University, 3. Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 4. Earth Surface System Research Center, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 5. National Museum of Nature and Science)

[T13-O-18]Covariation of paleotemperature and precipitation after 83 ka recorded in stalagmite oxygen and clumped isotopes from Mie, Japan

*Hirokazu Kato1, Taiki Mori2, Ryoko Senda3, Akihiro Kano4 (1. Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Teikyo University of Science, 2. Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation, 3. Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, 4. Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo)

[T13-O-19]Holocene temperature and precipitation records of a stalagmite from Kiriana Cave, Mie Prefecture

Akira Murata1, *Akihiro KANO1, Hirokazu Kato2, Fumito Shiraishi3, Kenji Kashiwagi4 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Teikyo University of Science, 3. Hiroshima University, 4. Toyama University)

[T13-O-20]Surface environments and their changes recorded in speleothems of Minami-Daito-jima, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

*Hiroki Matsuda1, Shoya Sato2 (1. Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, 2. Course for Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University)

[T13-O-21][Invited] Reconstruction of atmospheric and oceanic variability using carbonate materials: From seasonal scale to glacial/interglacial scale

*Ryuji ASAMI1 (1. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)