Session Details

[2poster17-35]T7 [Topic Session]Tectonics

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
T7_poster(General Education_Section3 1-2Floors)

[T7-P-1]Cooling/exhumation histories of granitic rocks in the Is. Sado, central Japan (preliminary report)

*Shigeru SUEOKA1, Shoma FUKUDA1, Barry P. KOHN2, Takahiro TAGAMI3 (1. Tono Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne, 3. Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[T7-P-2]The formation history of granitic batholith of the eastern margin of the Asian continent traced by U-Pb dating and trace element analysis of detrital zircon in the Permian-Jurassic accretionary complexes of the NE Japan

*Hinako BABA1, Shogo AOKI1, Takayuki UTINO2, Mayuko HUKUYAMA3, Yoshiaki KON4 (1. Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Akita University, 2. Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological survey of Japan, AIST, 3. Graduate School of Engineering Science, Akita University, 4. Research Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)

[T7-P-3]Thermochronometric investigations of the middle Miocene rock bodies in the outer zone of southwest Japan

*Shoma FUKUDA1, Hironao SHINJOE2, Ryo ANMA3, Saya KAGAMI1, Barry Paul KOHN4 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. Tokyo Keizai University, 3. Tokushima University, 4. University of Melbourne)

[T7-P-4]Study of Paleogene to Neogene kinematic history of the Median Tectonic Line of western Shikoku, south-west Japan.

*Yasu'uchi KUBOTA1, Toru TAKESHITA2 (1. OYO Corp., 2. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.)

[T7-P-5]Emplacement age of the serpentinite intruded within Northern Chichibu Belt and Kurosegawa Belt, western Shikoku Island

Kengo NISHIKAWA2, *Tomohiro TSUJI1, Tohru DANHARA3, Hideki IWANO3, Takafumi HIRATA4 (1. Yamaguchi University, 2. Former Yamaguchi University, 3. Kyoto Fission-Track Co., Ltd., 4. Tokyo University)
※Change presenter:Kengo NISHIKAWA→Tomohiro TSUJI

[T7-P-6]Reconsideration of seafloor pressure changes in the Kumano-nada Sea: Relationship between sub-seafloor fluids and subsurface structure

*Keisuke ARIYOSHI1, Akira NAGANO1, Takuya HASEGAWA2, Masaru NAKANO1, Hiroyuki MATSUMOTO1, Eiichiro ARAKI1, Takane HORI1, Narumi TAKAHASHI3 (1. JAMSTEC, 2. Japan Meteorological Agency, 3. NIED)

[T7-P-7]Active Structures off Muroto-Ashizuri Peninsulas based on seafloor topography and subsurface structures

*Konosuke TERUI1,2, Juichiro Ashi1,2 (1. Graduate School of Frontier Science, University of Tokyo, 2. Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)

[T7-P-8]Sedimentary basins analysis through Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) profiles of the Eastern Nankai Trough landward slope, Japan.

*Philomene Vanessa EYANG ONDO1, Kohsaku ARAI2, Ayanori MISAWA2, Yuka YOKOYAMA1, Izumi SAKAMOTO1 (1. TOKAI Univ., 2. Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ), AIST)

[T7-P-9]Spreading process of the Mariana Trough using geomagnetic anomaly data

*Seitaro Ono1, Kyoko OKINO1, Nobukazu SEAMA2 (1. Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 2. Kobe University)

[T7-P-11]Structure and evolution of faults of the Nambayama Anticline based on fault-related fold modeling, Northern Fossa Magna, central Japan

*Naoki ITO1, Tatsuya ISHIYAMA1 (1. Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo)

[T7-P-12]Restoration of the paleostress orientation using microcracks in Tanzawa tonalite and Fujikawa plutonics

*Ken ICHIMURA1, Misaki TOMIOKA2, Takatsune SATO3, Takashi HARADA4, Hideo TAKAGI5 (1. Graduate School of Creative Science and Enginnering, Waseda University,, 2. Accenture Japan Ltd, 3. Railway Technical Research Institute, 4. Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd., 5. Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University)

[T7-P-13]Analysis of Stress Field in Southwestern Tsuruoka, Yamagata

*Naohiro OKADA1, Kenta KOBAYASHI1 (1. Niigata Univ.)

[T7-P-14]Structural analysis and tectonic significance of cataclastic faults in Oki Dogo, Shimane prefecture

*Ippei KUWAHARA1, Sreehari LAKSHMANAN1, Hideki MUKOYOSHI1 (1. Shimane University)

[T7-P-17]Effect of Strain Rate Change on Strain Distribution in Solidified Granular material

*Nobuaki YATSUZUKA1, Ryota TSUKIMATA2, Masao NAKATANI3, Akihiro TAKEUCHI3, Arito SAKAGUCHI1 (1. Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, 2. Fukuoka City Hall, 3. Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)

[T7-P-18]Continuous Subduction of Horst and Graben Structures and the Deformation Process of Plate Boundary Faults in the Japan Trench

*Hiroaki KOGE1, Astushi NODA1, Ayumu MIYAKAWA1, Michelle M. NISHIMOTO2,1, Yuichi OKUMA3,1,5, Takami TACHIBANA4,1, Satoshi TONAI4, Naotomo KANEKO1, Makoto OTSUBO1 (1. GSJ, AIST, 2. Japan Woman's University, 3. AORI, UTokyo, 4. Kochi University, 5. Ocean Engineering & Development Co.,Ltd.)

[T7-P-19]Deformation cycles of accretionary wedges derived from load data and strain analysis in sandbox experiments

Seiichiro KANAZAWA1, Takami TACHIBANA1, *Satoshi TONAI1 (1. Kochi University)