Session Details
[23p-B202-1~6]1.5 Instrumentation, measurement and Metrology
Sat. Sep 23, 2023 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sat. Sep 23, 2023 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Sat. Sep 23, 2023 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
B202 (Civic Auditorium)
Nao Terasaki(AIST)
[23p-B202-1]Strain rate dependence of tensile strength in wide range of epoxy cured adhesives
〇Keiji Houjou1, Akiyama Haruhisa1 (1.AIST)
[23p-B202-2]Effect of laser surface pre-treatment on TSS and G1c values on adhesive bonding
〇Nao Terasaki1, Yuki Fujio1, Yoshitaro Sakata1, Keiji Houjo2, Kazumasa Shimamoto2, Haruhisa Akiyama2, Kiyoshi Yase2, Shin Horiuchi2 (1.AIST SSRC, 2.AIST NMRI)
[23p-B202-3]Characterization of Surface and Cross-Section of Laser Irradiated Aluminum by using Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscope
〇Kiyoshi Yase1, Keiji Houjoh1, Kazumasa Shimamoto1, Shin Horiuchi1, Nao Terasaki1 (1.AIST)
[23p-B202-4]High throughput electron microscopic assessment using field-flow fractionation
〇Haruhisa Kato1, Ayako Nakamura1, Hidekuni Bannno1 (1.AIST)
[23p-B202-5]Miniature Fibers with Integrated Thermal and Chemical Sensors
〇(B)Mahiro Kubo1, Takao Inoue2, Yuanyuan Guo1 (1.FRIS, Tohoku Univ., 2.ORI,Yamaguchi Univ.)
[23p-B202-6]Nonlinearity of Silicon Photodiode under the over-filled and under-filled illumination at the Near-infrared region
〇Minoru Tanabe1 (1.AIST NMIJ)