Session Details

[14p-K309-1~14]3.4 Laser system and materials

Fri. Mar 14, 2025 1:30 PM - 5:45 PM JST
Fri. Mar 14, 2025 4:30 AM - 8:45 AM UTC
K309 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Masaki Tokurakawa(UEC), Masayuki Suzuki(Doshisha Univ.), Furuse Hiroaki(NIMS)

[14p-K309-1][The 26th Optics and Quantum Electronics Achievement Award Speech] Research and development of extreme laser technologies, from hard X-ray atomic state lasers to ultra-high damage strength optics

〇Hitoki Yoneda1, Yurina Michine1 (1.ILS/Univ. ELectro-Comm.)

[14p-K309-2]Development of a high NA gas lense

〇Yurina Michine1, Hitoki Yoneda1 (1.ILS, UEC)

[14p-K309-3]Autonomous optimisation of laser cavity using Deep Reinforcement Learning

〇Yuki Ikeya1, Takashi Sekine1, Shuntaro Tani2, Toshio Otsu2, Endo Tsubasa2, Takaaki Morita1, Yoshinori Tamaoki1, Yoshinori Kato1, Toshiyuki Kawashima1, Yohei Kobayashi2 (1.Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., 2.ISSP, Univ.Tokyo)

[14p-K309-4]Detection of Pre-Laser Damage by Induced Vibration in MHz Range

〇Ryouichi Akiyoshi1, Katsuhiro Mikami1, Yasuhiro Miyasaka2 (1.Kindai Univ., 2.QST KPSI)

[14p-K309-5]Investigation of output change on DUV light generation using CsLiB6O10 (Ⅲ)

〇(B)Takumi Hara1, Shimada Kyosuke2, Yamamoto Kaho3, Murai Ryota2,4, Nambu Tomoaki3, Takahashi Yoshinori2,4, Okada George5, Usami Shigeyoshi2, Imanishi Masayuki2, Maruyama MIhoko2, Mori Yusuke2,4, Yoshimura Masashi3,4 (1.Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ., 3.ILE, Osaka Univ., 4.SOSHO CHOKO Inc., 5.Spectronix Corp.)

[14p-K309-6]Investigation of time-dependent changes in DUV transmittance of CsLiB6O10crystals

〇(B)Kotaro Morita1, Ryunosuke Oura1, Tomoaki Nambu1, Ryota Murai2, Hironori Igarashi3, Makoto Nakajima1, Yusuke Mori2,4, Masashi Yoshimura1,2 (1.ILE, Osaka Univ., 2.SOSHO CHOKO Inc., 3.Gigaphoton Inc., 4.Grad. Sch. of Osaka Univ.)

[14p-K309-7]Fabrication of highly efficient walk-off compensated β-BaB2O4 wavelength-conversion devices using room-temperature bonding

〇(M1)Shion Naito1, Riku Ogura1, Ichiro Shoji1 (1.Chuo Univ.)

[14p-K309-8]Study on QPM-Quartz construction by multi-plate bonding

〇Hideki Ishizuki1,2, Yoichi Sato1,2, Takunori Taira1,2 (1.RIKEN RSC, 2.IMS)

[14p-K309-9]Thermal Resistance and Effective Thermal Conductivity of Layered Optical Composites

〇Yoichi Sato1,2, Arvydas kausas1,2, Takunori Taira1,2 (1.RIKEN RSC, 2.Inst. Mol. Sci.)

[14p-K309-10]Thermal properties of Cr:LiSAF/Sapphire bonded materials

〇(P)Florent Cassouret1, Yoichi Sato2,1, Takunori Taira2,1 (1.Inst. for Molecular Science, 2.Riken Spring-8 Center)

[14p-K309-11]Development of Yb:YAG composite microchip MOPA using room-temperature bonding

〇(M1)Sadafumi Ishizuka1, Tomoya Yamada1, Ichiro Shoji1 (1.Chuo Univ.)

[14p-K309-12]Improving the Orientation Control in Yb:FAP Ceramics Under Rotating Magnetic Flux

〇Yoichi Sato1,2, Takunori Taira1,2 (1.RIKEN RSC, 2.Inst. Mol. Sci.)

[14p-K309-13]Approach to perovskite semiconductor solar-pumped lasers ⅠⅠ

〇Yosuke Kume1, Taiki Sakaguchi1, Takaaki Ishikawa1, Shijun Shi2, Masato Soutome3, Takashi Kondo2,3, Ichirou Shoji1 (1.Chuo Univ., 2.Univ. of Tokyo, 3.RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo)

[14p-K309-14]Introduction of Nanoporous into Silicone via Quadruple-Mixture-Emulsion Method

〇Riku Matsuzaki1, Hayato Koga2, Yushi Yoshioka1, Hiroaki Yoshioka1, Yuji Oki1 (1.I.S.E.E. Kyushu Univ., 2.Eng. Kyushu Univ.)