Session Details

[1B](09) OS: How to Develop Communication Skills Required by Industry-II

Wed. Sep 4, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Wed. Sep 4, 2024 2:00 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
B room(Lecture room 8)
Chairperson:Takeo Nikami(Kogakuin University) Second Chairperson:Jun Toyotani(Nihon University)
Purpose: As forms of communication are diversifying, there is a need to improve interactive communication skills. This session will discuss the concept of communication skill development for engineers by sharing case studies and educational methods (ESP, CLIL, Task-Based Learning, etc.) used in English education. In the organized sessions up to last year, case studies of practical methods have been presented. This year, we will review the past discussions with a particular focus on feedback and evaluation methods for students, and discuss future prospects (e.g., how to utilize generative AI in communication education (including writing instruction)). We would like to discuss the future prospects (e.g., how to utilize the generative AI in communication education (including writing instruction)).

[1B07]English Education for Second Year and Upper Undergraduate Students to Develop Global Engineering Human ResourcesSeven-year English education reform outcomes and post-project completion status for the promotion of global human resources development

○Takashi UEMURA1, Miyagi SADAMITSU1, Zachary Thomas Robertson1 (1. Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University)

[1B08]CLIL-based Presentation Practice for the Development of Global Engineers

○Shigeyoshi NAKAMURA1, Misuzu OKADA1, SitiAisyah MOKHTAR1, Hideaki Abratani2, Makoto Ichitsubo3 (1. National Institute of Technology, UBE kosen, 2. National Institute of Technology, KITAKYUSHU kosen, 3. Toyohashi University of Technology)

[1B09]Development of English Presentation VR Materials for STEM and Evaluation Methods

○Atsuko K. Yamazaki1, Kayoko H. Murakami2, Tsukasa Yamanaka3, Hiroshi Hasegawa2 (1. Digital Hollywood University, Graduate School, 2. Shibaura Institute of Technology, Graduate School, 3. Ritsumeikan University)

[1B10]Evaluating the Performance of Generative AI in the Assessment of Student's PaperAn approach to help teachers appropriately allocate their resource via the use of ICT

○Tomoko WADA1 (1. Kogakuin University)

[1B11]Considering the Utilization of Generative AI in Expressive EducationSupporting Entry Sheet Creation for Job Hunting Through the Use of ChatGPT

○Takeo Nikami1 (1. Kogakuin University)