Session Details

[3F08-14]JVSS 2

Tue. Oct 22, 2024 1:15 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Tue. Oct 22, 2024 4:15 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
F: Conference Room 32(3F)
Vacuum science technology(VST), surface engineering(SE)

[3F08]Pumping speed measurement of Ti-Zr-VNEG coating for some gas species and degradation evaluation by repetitive air exposure and re-activation

*Takashi Shiga1,2, Junichiro Kamiya2, Kaoru Wada1, Masaya Kuramochi3 (1. Tokyo Electronics CO.,LTD, 2. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 3. Total Support System Corporation)

[3F09]Experimental study on vacuum characteristics and vapor behavior evaluation in A-FNS HEBT

*Takashi Ebisawa1, Sato Satoshi1, Makoto Oyaizu1, Noriyosu Hayashizaki1,2, Shota Ikeda2 (1. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, 2. Science Tokyo)

[3F10]Nonlinear electric field enhancement in the THz range through self-organized metallic gap structures induced by VO2 phase transition

*Ai I. Osaka1,2, Masaya Nagai3, Shingo Genchi2, Boyuan Yu2, Hidekazu Tanaka2, Azusa N. Hattori2 (1. Graduated School of Engineering, University of Hyogo, 2. SANKEN, Osaka University, 3. Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)

[3F11]Evaluation of vacuum firing effect on sutainless steel and titanium from vacuum and surface point of view

*JUNICHIRO KAMIYA1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

[3F12]Boron monosulfide nanosheets and rhombohedral boron monosulfide: synthesis, characterization, and intriguing properties

*Takahiro KONDO1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[3F13]Nanoscale dynamics of metal–insulator transition in VO2 thin film by IR s-SNOM

*Kyungmin Kim1, Linfeng Hou1, Jun Nishida2, Takashi Kumagai2, Masayuki Abe1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 2. Center for Mesoscopic Sciences, Institute for Molecular Science)

[3F14]Development of FM-AFM/LFM system to investigate frictional property of the solid-liquid interfacial structure

*Yuya Yamaguchi1, Kaisei Sato2, Akinori Kogure3, Hiroshi Arai3, Masahiro Ota3, Shinya Sasaki2 (1. Graduate School of Tokyo University of Science, 2. Tokyo University of Science, 3. Shimadzu Corporation)