[3E06]Evaluation of steam-water annular flow characteristics under BWR operating conditions based on experiments with simulant fluids
*Huacheng Zhang1, Yutaro Umehara1, Shoji Mori1, Naoki Horiguchi2, Hiroyuki Yoshida2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. JAEA)
Two-phase flow、Annular flow、Boiling water reactor、Liquid film、Disturbance wave
Due to the extreme operating conditions of BWRs (285°C and 7 MPa), the direct visualization and detailed liquid film measurement of steam–water annular flow in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) have been highly challenging. This study addresses this limitation by developing a novel HFC134a–ethanol annular flow system at lower temperature and pressure (40°C and 0.7 MPa), simulating the steam–water annular flow under BWR conditions. The experiments of HFC134a–ethanol upward annular flow were conducted in a 5 mm inner diameter tube using the constant electric current method, and we obtained the flow characteristics, including base, average, and maximum film thickness and the height of disturbance wave.