
[17a-K305-3]Short-Wave Infrared GeSn Waveguide Photodetector on Silicon

Ting-Yu Chen1, Soumava Ghosh1, Cheng-Ting Kuo1, Yue-Tong Jheng1, 〇Guo-En Chang1 (1.National Chung Cheng Univ.)


GeSn alloys、Waveguide Photodetectors、Short-wave Infrared

Group-IV GeSn alloys have emerged as a promising candidate for silicon photonics. Introducing Sn into Ge to form GeSn alloys can lower the bandgap energy, thereby shifting the absorption coefficient spectrum from ~1500 nm toward longer wavelength to enable efficient photodetection in the short-wave infrared (SWIR) region, typically defined in the spectral range of 1000-2500 nm. Here, we report on GeSn waveguide photodetectors (WGPDs) can work in the entire SWIR region for silicon photonics applications.