

2024年9月10日(火) 12:50 〜 15:00
第12室(共通講義棟A A42)
司会:松田 昭博(筑波大学)

[F231-1]Introduction to the Sports Engineering and Human Dynamics Division

瀬尾 和哉 (工学院大学)

[F231-2]Introduction of the Bioengineering Division

石川 拓司 (東北大学)

[F231-3]Managing Technology: 20 years of regulating bat performance

Lloyd Smith (Washington State University)

[F231-4]Introduction of New Product Designing Process using Digital Technology

谷口 憲彦 (アシックス株式会社)

[F231-5]The Struggle for Sports Engineering Education in Non-Science and Engineering Departments

仰木 裕嗣 (慶應義塾大学)

[F231-6]Stretching Experiment of Neuronal Cells for Traumatic Brain Injury Study

中楯 浩康 (信州大学)