Session Details

[3poster01-19]T1 [Topic Session]Metamorphic rocks and tectonics)

Tue. Sep 10, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 10, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
T1_poster(General Education_Section3 1-2Floors)

[T1-P-1]Heterogeneity of graphitization degree in regional and contact metamorphic rock samples and required measurement numbers for Raman carbonaceous material geothermometry

*Hiroshi Mori1, Hina Dohi1,2, Ken Yamaoka3, Kazuhiro Ozawa4, Tetsuya Tokiwa1 (1. Shinshu University, 2. Nagoya University, 3. GSJ, AIST , 4. Precision Forestry Measurement Ltd.)

[T1-P-5]Growth process of garnet in the Ryoke metamorphic complex, in Yanai area, Southwest Japan

*Risa HAYASHI1, Takeshi IKEDA1 (1. Kyushu University)

[T1-P-11]Xenoliths and country rocks of the Ebi Granite from the Mizoguchi area, Japan

*Myu ISOYAMA1, Shunsuke Endo1 (1. Shimane Univ.)

[T1-P-13]Petrology of Mt. Kamuro metamorphic-plutonic complex rocks: The comparison of Abukuma metamorphic rocks

*Taisei MORI1, Shin-ichi KAGASHIMA2, Shinji YAGUCHI (1. Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, 2. Yamagata university)

[T1-P-14]Geology of high-grade metamorphic rocks of Hidaka metamorphic belt, Upper Motoura River, Urakawa, Hokkaido, Japan

*Nanami SUGAWARA1, Tsuyoshi TOYOSHIMA1, Rintaro FUKUTA1, Hayato UEDA1, Yasuhito OSANAI2, M. SATISHU-KUMAR1 (1. Niigata University, 2. Kyushu University)
【ハイライト講演】 北海道日高変成帯では近年,2回の変成・火成作用の痕跡が見出され,形成史の再構築が進められている.講演者らは,日高変成帯最下部の高度変成岩およびトーナル岩マイロナイトについて構造地質学的・岩石学的・年代学的解析を包括的に行い,日高変成帯下部地殻の温度圧力変化と断層運動の時系列を明らかにした.日高変成帯における下部地殻物質の上昇テクトニクスの高分解能化が期待される.(ハイライト講演とは...)

[T1-P-15]Low-temperature deformation of dolomite in the Eastern Alps

*Aya TAKAHATA1, Simon WALLIS1 (1. Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo)

[T1-P-16]U-Pb ages of jadeite rocks in the Kamuikotan zone and the Omi-Renge belt: A hypothesis of jadeitization during remnant arc subduction

*Hayato UEDA1, Ko Takenouchi2, Takahiko Ogawara2 (1. Niigata Univ., 2. Fossa Magna Museum)

[T1-P-17]Key Findings from IODP Expedition 399 on the Building Blocks of Life: A Long Section of Serpentinized Depleted Mantle Peridotite

*Natsue Abe1,2, Toshio Nozaka3, Andrew McCaig4, Susan Lang5, Johan Lissenberg6, Peter Blum7, IODP Exp.399 Science Party7 (1. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2. Kanazawa University, 3. Okayama University, 4. University of Leeds, 5. Woods Hole Oceanography Institution, 6. Cardiff University, 7. Texas A&M University)

[T1-P-18]Origin and metasomatism of serpentinite in the Cretaceous Shimanto Accretionary Complex, central Kii Peninsula, SW Japan

*Yusuke SHIMURA1, Shunsuke ENDO2, Yoshihiro ASAHARA3 (1. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 2. Shimane University, 3. Nagoya University)

[T1-P-19]Silica activity dependent serpentinization of dunite in mantle wedge

*Yusuke SODA1, Tomoaki MORISHITA2, Takamoto OKUDAIRA3, Tomoyuki MIZUKAMI2 (1. Waseda Univ., 2. Kanazawa Univ., 3. Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)