Joint Meeting of JSCB 77th and JSDB 58th

Abstract Submission

Important Date:
Early-bird Registration deadline:
March 1(Sat) - May 30 (Fri.) , 2025 (17:00pm, JST)
Payment deadline:
March 1(Sat) - May 30 (Fri), 2025 (17:00pm, JST)
Registration/Submission Flow (in Japanese)
How to make a registration online


Abstract Submission:
March 1 (Sat) 10:00(Japan standard time)
- April 4 (Fri) 17:00 (Japan standard time)
1. How to submit

Japanese and Japan resident none-Japanese: Membership of JSCB or JSDB is required and an annual membership fee for 2024 must have been paid. Member number is required for registration.

  • If you are not a member of any of the above societies, please apply for a membership first.
    For those who have not paid an annual membership fee, please complete the payment as soon as possible.
    Please note that it takes approximately one week for the JSCB or JSDB membership application to be processed.

APOCB, APDBN and ISDB members: We accept application from foreign scientists affiliated with APOCB, APDBN and ISDB.   

※APOCB information:
※APDBN information:
※ISDB member society list:



Before abstract submission, please create an account and complete advance registration.


Create an Account and Advance Registraion

Online Registration System


  • Only one abstract may be submitted per presenter (participant).
  • New submissions or modifications to contents of the submitted abstract will not be accepted after the deadline.


2. General Rules for Abstract Submission
  1. Please submit abstracts using the submission form by clicking the button below.
  2. The general presentation is oral or poster presentation, but all the scheduled workshop will pick up talks from general presentation. If you wish to give a talk in the workshop, please select the workshop you like to give a talk.
  3. Only members of the Japan Society of Cell Biology or the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists are eligible to submit  abstract for this conference (This does not apply to plenary and symposium or workshop invited speakers). 
  4. There will be no registation fee for students at this conference. However, since there is a regulation that presenters of general abstract must be members of the society, we ask that presenters join the society as student members. For information about joining the society, please check the Japan Society of Cell Biology or the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists website.
  5. The number of co-authors is limited to 12 persons per abstract.
  6. Title of presentation should be within 200 characters.
  7. Word limitation for Abstract should within 1600 characters.

The announcement of abstract acceptance and presentation guideline (presentation date) shall be informed by email in June 2025.  

The online abstract book may be sold/provided to other organizations and may be stored, managed, and accessed by them.


3. Length of Title and Abstract

Title of presentation should be within 200 characters and word limitation for Abstract should within 1600 characters. (including space) in English, respectively.


4. Topics categories

Please select up to one topics most appropriate for your presentation.

Topics categories
A. Chromosome / Nucleus / Gene expression / Epigenetics / Genomics
B. Fertilization / Gametogenesis / Reproduction
C. Cell Proliferation / Apoptosis / Signal transduction
D. Life of proteins / Intracellular trafficking / Organelles
E. Cell structure / Cell polarity / Cytoskeleton / Cell Motility
F. Cell adhesion / ECM / Cell-cell interaction / Mechanobiology
G. Tissue / Organogenesis / Morphogenesis / Patterning
H. Differentiation / Regeneration / Stem cells
I. Nutrition / Metabolism
J. Theoretical biology / Modeling
K. Disease / Pathology / Pathogenesis / Aging
L. Evolution (EcoDevo / EvoDevo)
M. Technical advances (genome editing, imaging, bioinformatics, etc.)
N. Other important fields


5. Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists / 若手最優秀発表賞


6. Best Student Poster Presentation Award / 学生優秀ポスター発表賞


7. Modification or Cancelation of submitted abstract

Submitted abstract can be modified online before abstract submission deadline. 

April 4 (Fri) 17:00 (Japan standard time)

Abstract submission

Registration/Submission Flow (in Japanese)
How to make a registration online