Joint Meeting of JSCB 77th and JSDB 58th

Early-bird Registration

Joint Meeting of JSCB 77th & JSDB 58th Anti-Harassment Statement Code of Conduct

Joint Meeting of JSCB 77th & JSDB 58th is dedicated to providing a positive and respectful environment that is harassment-free for all participants. We expect participants to engage in constructive and professional discussions and to avoid harassment of others during the event and associated social activities. We do not tolerate unwelcome comments, jokes or attention that focus on gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age or religion. Harassment can include unwelcome advances for dates, and the use of language and imagery that undermine individual dignity. We expect participants to support these values at all event venues and event-related social activities, as well as outside of event activities during the meeting. Participants violating these terms and conditions will be asked to leave the meeting and may be banned from future JSDB meetings.

第77回日本細胞生物学会 第58回日本発生生物学会 合同大会ハラスメント防止宣言


Please read the following information and click the “Registration” button at the bottom of this page.
Early-bird Registration Period:
March 1(Sat) 10:00(Japan standard time)
- May 30, (Friu) 17:00 (Japan standard time)
Please note that the meeting registration period deadline
is different from abstract submission deadline.

Registration/Submission Flow (in Japanese)
How to make a registration online

1. How to register
  • Please access the online registration system linked at the bottom of this page and click “Create an account”, then enter required information.
  • An automatic confirmation mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address.
  • ※ If you do not receive a confirmation mail, please check your Spam folder; the email might be incorrectly sorted out as Spam.
  • Please enter the Log-in ID and password you registered for your abstract submission to register your participation.
2. Registration Fee (JPY)
 Registration Fee (JPY)Reception Fee (JPY)

Early-bird Registration


On-site Registration


Early-bird Registration


On-site Registration



GeneralJPY 10,000JPY 13,000JPY 10,000JPY 12,000
StudentFreeFreeJPY 3,000JPY 4,500
Non-membersGeneralJPY 13,000JPY 16,000JPY 10,000JPY 12,000
StudentFreeFreeJPY 3,000JPY 4,500
Undergraduate StudentsFreeFreeJPY 3,000JPY 4,500
Speakers of Workshop without the JSCB or JSDB membershipFreeJPY 10,000JPY 12,000

Speakers of Plenary Lecture and Symposium without the JSCB or JSDB membership

※ Registration fees do not include food and/or beverage expenses.
3. Methods of Payment

We accept payment by depositing to our Bank account or credit card.

Transfer to our Bank account: 
You can deposit required cost from your local Bank office to our account listed below. Please write down your Log-in ID/Registration No.(ex:A00001) and your name in the message space of the form. You will need to cover the transfer fee. 

Transfer from Bank account 

名義人:第77回日本細胞生物学会・第58回日本発生生物学会合同大会 大会長 井垣達吏

Branch name:Kobe Main Office           
Account type:Ordinary bank account
Account No.:1937109
Account name: dainanajyuunanakainihonsaibouseibutugakkai daigojyuuhachikainihonhasseiseibutugakkai goudoutaikai taikaicho igaki tatsushi

Payment by Credit Card:
We accept VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, and Diners Club. 

Payment deadlineMay 30 (Fri), 2025

※ If your payment is not confirmed by the payment deadline, your registration will be handled as on-sight registration and additional fee will apply.


4. Name badge

Please wear your name badge at all times while in the meeting venue.
For domestic participant who completed advance registration , a name badge with a receipt will be sent to the registered address in mid-May. Please bring the name badge with you. Service fee will be charged to reissue name badges. 

For participants from outside Japan, name badges with receipts will be handed at the meeting site. 


5. Changing or Cancelling Online Registration

Registration detail can be modified on line before May 30 (Fri) 2025 (Japan standard time 17:00)
The registration fees will not be refunded for any reasons.

6. Others
  • Please do not forget to make payment after completing on-line early-bird registration. In case your payment is not confirmed by the deadline (May 30, 2025),  your registration will be treated as on-sight registration. 
  • Online Abstracts will be available before the meeting. URL of the site will sent to those who completed Advance Registration.
  • If you forget your membership number, please contact the JSCB or JSDB secretariat.

JSCB secretariat

JSDB secretariat

Registration/Submission Flow (in Japanese)
How to make a registration online