Joint Meeting of JSCB 77th and JSDB 58th

Schedule & Program

Tentative Schedule(2025/02/17)

Tentative Schedule PDF (July 15-18, 2025)(192KB)

【E】= in English 【J】= in Japanese

July 15 (Tue)

Room A  
Room B 

Satellite WS 01
Nuclear Pore Complex and Chromatin: Gatekeepers of Genome Regulation


Room C 

Satellite WS 02
Tuning Organelle Volume


Room D 



Room E  
Room F  
Meeting Room CFS Editorial meeting

July 16 (Wed)




Room A 

Symposium 01
 Cross-scale Patterning in Reproduction



Presentation Awards for
Young Researchers

Room BEducational Lecture
Workshop 01
Frontiers of Cell Biology Research from Unicellular Organisms
Oral Presentation 1



  Special Event (Senior)
Room C Workshop 02
A New Perspective on Life Emerging from Sulfur Research
Oral Presentation 2



Room D Workshop 03
Organelle Metamorphosis
Oral Presentation 3



Room E Workshop 04
Frontiers in developmental cell lineage analysis
Oral Presentation 4



Room F Workshop 05
Exploring Biological Continuity from Embryo to Organism by Multi-Scale Approach
Oral Presentation 5
Poster Room  Poster  

July 17 (Thu)

Room AWorkshop 06
The Blueprint of Complex and Functional Intracellular Structures
Oral Presentation 6
 Symposium 02
Sexual Reproduction: Its Origin and Diversity

Plenary Lectures


Room BWorkshop 07
Oral Presentation 7



Symposium 03
Aging Kaleidoscope: Solving the aging puzzle from various perspectives
Room CWorkshop 08
Intra-cellular dynamics in zygotes and early embryos
Oral Presentation 8

Frontire Prize


Symposium 04
Exploring Morphogenetic Dynamism in Multicellular Systems
Room DWorkshop 09
Understanding, measuring and manipulating protein lifetimes
Oral Presentation 9


Symposium 05
Organelle interplay and membrane dynamics: orchestration of cellular processes in space and time
Room EWorkshop 10
New techniques and applications of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for synaptic proteins
Oral Presentation 10
 Symposium 06
Mathematics, Physics, and Data Science in Biology
Room FWorkshop 11
Light-Sheet Microscopy and Multidimensional Data Analysis for Elucidating Biological Functions
Oral Presentation 11
 Symposium 07
Reconstructing functional nuclei -Nuclei in early embryos -
Poster Room  Poster  
Exhibition (Equipment & Books)  
Reception    Reception

July 18 (Fri)

Room ASymposium 08
Molecular mechanisms underpinning diverse physiological functions of autophagy
  Workshop 12
Pioneering new frontiers in cell cycle research through cutting-edge technologies
Room BSymposium 09
Evolving Horizons in Developmental and Cell Biology Guided by Comprehensive Genomic Data



Workshop 13
Cross-Scale Approaches to Deciphering Life’s Dynamics and Formation
Special Event (Young)
Room CSymposium 10
Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology



Workshop 14
Quality of Life Strategies for Aging Populations: Insights from 'Mechanically Responsive Cells' that Sustain a 'Moving Body'
Room DSymposium 11
 Beyond the Model: Diverse Organisms and Their Contributions to Exciting Biology



Workshop 15
Chronoproteinology: Temporal regulation of transcription, translation, protein and neural activity.
Room ESymposium 12
Understanding the formation of multicellular organisms from cell-cell adhesion and extracellular matrix



Workshop 16
Multicellular Blueprint: Intercellular Mechanochemical Synergy in the Fabrication of Multicellular Structures
Room F



  Workshop 17
Imaging organelles: in memory of the late Dr. Kazuo Kurokawa
Poster Room Poster   
Exhibition (Equipment & Books)   


Tentative Program(2025/02/17)

Plenary Lectures (in English)


Prof. Tian Xu
Westlake University

Prof. Keiko Torii
University of Texas, USA

Special Event (in Japanese)

=Senior= 「ぼくたちの失敗」

=Young= 「これが私の生きる研究(みち)」

Educational Lecture(教育講演) (in Japanese)

Prof. Masayuki Miura
University of Tokyo

Symposia (in English)

Symposium 01: Cross-scale Patterning in Reproduction【E】
Symposium 02: Sexual Reproduction: Its Origin and Diversity【E】
Symposium 03: Aging Kaleidoscope: Solving the aging puzzle from various perspectives【E】
Symposium 04: Exploring Morphogenetic Dynamism in Multicellular Systems【E】
Symposium 05: Organelle interplay and membrane dynamics: orchestration of cellular processes in space and time【E】
Symposium 06: Mathematics, Physics, and Data Science in Biology【E】
Symposium 07: Reconstructing functional nuclei -Nuclei in early embryos -【E】
Symposium 08: Molecular mechanisms underpinning diverse physiological functions of autophagy【E】
Symposium 09: Evolving Horizons in Developmental and Cell Biology Guided by Comprehensive Genomic Data【E】
Symposium 10: Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology【E】
Symposium 11: Beyond the Model: Diverse Organisms and Their Contributions to Exciting Biology【E】
Symposium 12: Understanding the formation of multicellular organisms from cell-cell adhesion and extracellular matrix【E】


Presentation Awards for Young Researchers (in English)

Presentation Awards for Young Researchers:

Workshop (【E】in English or 【J】in Japanese)

Workshop 01: Frontiers of Cell Biology Research from Unicellular Organisms【E】
Workshop 02:A New Perspective on Life Emerging from Sulfur Research【J】
Workshop 03:Organelle Metamorphosis【J】
Workshop 04:Frontiers in developmental cell lineage analysis【E】
Workshop 05:Exploring Biological Continuity from Embryo to Organism by Multi-Scale Approach【J】
Workshop 06:The Blueprint of Complex and Functional Intracellular Structures【J】
Workshop 07:Dietology【J】
Workshop 08:Intra-cellular dynamics in zygotes and early embryos【J】
Workshop 09:Understanding, measuring and manipulating protein lifetimes【J】
Workshop 10:New techniques and applications of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for synaptic proteins【E】
Workshop 11:Light-Sheet Microscopy and Multidimensional Data Analysis for Elucidating Biological Functions【J】
Workshop 12:Pioneering new frontiers in cell cycle research through cutting-edge technologies【J】
Workshop 13:Cross-Scale Approaches to Deciphering Life’s Dynamics and Formation【J】
Workshop 14:Quality of Life Strategies for Aging Populations: Insights from 'Mechanically Responsive Cells' that Sustain a 'Moving Body'【J】
Workshop 15:Chronoproteinology: Temporal regulation of transcription, translation, protein and neural activity.【J】
Workshop 16:Multicellular Blueprint: Intercellular Mechanochemical Synergy in the Fabrication of Multicellular Structures【E】
Workshop 17: Imaging organelles: in memory of the late Dr. Kazuo Kurokawa【J】

Oral Presentation (in English)

   Oral Presentation 1: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 2: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 3: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 4: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 5: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 6: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 7: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 8: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 9: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 10: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 11: 【TBA】
   Oral Presentation 12: 【TBA】

Poster Session

   Poster Session 01: 【TBA】
   Poster Session 02: 【TBA】
   Poster Session 03: 【TBA】