Greeting from Presidents
Tatsushi Igaki |
Shizue Ohsawa |
Welcome Message
We are pleased to announce that the Joint Annual Meeting of the 58th Japan Society of Developmental Biologists (JSDB) and the 77th Japan Society for Cell Biology (JSCB) will be held on July 16-18, 2025 at WINC AICHI in Nagoya, Japan. Additionally, the JSDB-JSCB Joint Young Researchers' Meeting will be held the day before, on July 15, 2025.
The JSDB-JSCB joint meetings began in 2002, an initiative proposed by the then-presidents of the societies, Dr. Masatoshi Takeichi (JSDB) and Dr. Nobutaka Hirokawa (JSCB). It has generally been held every five years, and this will be the fifth joint meeting. Both societies, with a membership of approximately 1,000 each, have thrived and evolved over a long history, cultivating their own cultures and philosophies. However, as life sciences embrace a diversity of academic fields and methodologies, fundamentally changing approaches and perspectives, we believe the significance of the JSDB-JSCB joint meeting is also evolving. We hope this meeting will serve as a forum for discussing how we can achieve breakthroughs in life sciences and the future direction of the field, beyond the boundaries of the societies.
The organizing committee is working diligently to prepare for this purpose. We are honored to have Dr. Tian Xu (Westlake University) and Dr. Keiko Torii (University of Texas at Austin) as Plenary Lecturers, and Dr. Masayuki Miura (University of Tokyo) as a lecturer of Educational Lecture. In addition to twelve designated symposia covering the intersection of developmental biology and cell biology, we will hold eighteen open-call workshops, twelve general oral presentation sessions, and poster sessions that will remain displayed for all three days to encourage thorough discussions. We are also organizing the JSDB-JSCB joint award session for outstanding young researchers.
Additionally, as a special feature of the conference, on the first evening, we will hold a panel discussion entitled “Our Mistakes (Bokutachi no Shippai)”, organized by Dr. Shigeru Kondo (Osaka University) and Dr. Akihiko Nakano (RIKEN). On the afternoon of the final day, we will follow this with a panel discussion entitled “This is My Path in Research (Kore ga Watashi no Ikiru Michi)”, organized by Dr. Atsuo Iida (Nagoya University) and Dr. Tomoko Yamakawa (National Institute of Technology, Ibaraki College), where distinguished panelists from various fields will engage in candid discussions beyond the usual formats. Therefore, we highly encourage all participants to attend the entire three-day event.
We sincerely hope this joint meeting will further promote exchanges between JSDB and JSCB, sharing the excitement of science, and fostering new networks and scientific collaborations.
We look forward to welcoming you in Nagoya!
With best wishes,
Tatsushi Igaki (Chair of the 77th JSCB meeting)
Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
Shizue Ohsawa (Chair of the 58th JSDB meeting)
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
第58回日本発生生物学会・第77回日本細胞生物学会 合同大会を2025年7月16日〜18日の3日間、ウインク愛知(名古屋)にて開催いたします。また、前日の7月15日(Day 0)には、両学会合同の若手の会を同会場で行います。
そのための仕掛けを、大会組織委員一同、鋭意準備中です。プレナリーレクチャーはTian Xu先生(Westlake University)と鳥居啓子先生(University of Texas at Austin)にお願いし、教育講演を三浦正幸先生(東京大学)にお願いしました。また、発生生物・細胞生物の融合領域を含む12の指定シンポジウムに加え、18の公募ワークショップ、12の一般口頭発表枠を設け、ポスター発表は3日間貼りっぱなしにして思う存分議論できるようにしました。JSDB-JSCB合同の若手最優秀発表賞セッションも開催します。さらに大会長特別企画として、大会初日の夜にオーガナイザー近藤滋先生(大阪大学)と中野明彦先生(理化学研究所)によるパネルディスカッション「ぼくたちの失敗」、大会最終日の午後にこれを受けたパネルディスカッション「これが私の生きる研究(みち)」をオーガナイザー飯田敦夫先生(名古屋大学)と山川智子先生(茨木高専大)に開催いただき、各分野を代表するパネリストの方々とともに通常枠では語れない本音の議論をしていただく予定です。つまり、皆様にはぜひ、3日間通しての全日参加を計画していただければ大変ありがたく存じます。
第58回日本発生生物学会 大会長
大澤 志津江(名古屋大学大学院理学研究科)
第77回日本細胞生物学会 大会長
井垣 達吏(京都大学大学院生命科学研究科)