Session Details

[2poster56-76]T15 [Topic Session]Regional geology and stratigraphy: review and prospect

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
T15_poster(General Education_Section3 1-2Floors)

[T15-P-15]Petrological characteristics of serpentinite-derived chloritite in contact with rodingite from the Nukabira complex and/or Sarugawa complex in the Kamuikotan Zone, Hokkaido, Japan.

*Toyoto AZUMA1,5, Takayuki KATOH2,5, Satoshi OKAMURA3,5, Jun TAKAKURA4 (1. Hidaka Mountains Museum, 2. Earth Science Co., Ltd, 3. Hokkaido Soil Research Cooperative Association, 4. Archaeological Research Centre, Hokkaido University, 5. Hokkaido Research Center of Geology)

[T15-P-16]Geology and Rocks of Parent and Child Rocks and other oddly shaped rocks in the Samamni Coastal Area, Samani Town, Hokkaido, Japan.

*Satomi KATO1, Tetsuya SHIMADA2, Takashi INOUE2, Kiyoaki NIIDA2 (1. Mt. Apoi Geopark Visitor Center, 2. GeoLab Mt. Apoi (Mt. Apoi Geological Reserch Center))

[T15-P-17]Examination of origin and stratigraphic affiliation of the “Sarashi-kubi bed” based on sedimentological evidence

*Hitomi KAWANAMI1, Shigehiro FUJINO1, Shunsuke HARADA1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[T15-P-18]The occurrence of sandstone dikes intruding the Miocene Hokusetsu Subgroup and clarification of the source layer of sandstone dike based on detrital zircon U–Pb dating

*Sakurako YABUTA1, Makoto TAKEUCHI1,2, Yoshihiro ASAHARA2, Qi LI2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Geological Survey of Japan, 2. Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University)

[T15-P-20]Radiolarian age and paleoenvironment of the upper part of the Miocene Morozaki Group on the Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan

*Kazuya KOBAYASHI1, Hiroyuki HOSHI2, Isao MOTOYAMA1 (1. Yamagata Univ., 2. Aichi Univ. Edu.)

[T15-P-23]Early Miocene forearc Volcanism in Motegi district, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

*Hinako KOSAKA1, Jun HOSOI1, Takeshi HASEGAWA1 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University)

[T15-P-24]Field occurrence, chemical composition, and age of the felsic rock and mafic enclaves in the Hashigui-iwa dike, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan

*Yutaka WADA1, Hironao SHINJOE2, Reishi TAKASHIMA3, Sota NIKI4, Yuji ORIHASHI5, Minoru SASAKI5, Takafumi HIRATA6 (1. Nara University of Education, 2. Tokyo Keizai University, 3. Tohoku University, 4. Nagoya University, 5. Hirosaki University, 6. The University of Tokyo)

[T15-P-25]Correlation of the Middle Miocene ash-flow tuff in the Inner Zone of the Kii Peninsula based on heavy mineral chemistry

*Daiki TSUJIMOTO1, Reishi TAKASHIMA2, Takaharu SATO3, Azumi KUROYANAGI2 (1. Department of EARTH SCIENCE, Tohoku University, 2. The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Museum, 3. Osaka Museum of Natural History)

[T15-P-26]Zircon U-Pb ages of the late Miocene Funakawa formation in the Sasamori Hills, Akita Prefecture

*Mizuki TOJIMA1, Aki SAKUMA1, Sota NIKI2, Takafumi HIRATA1, Masayuki IKEDA1 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Nagoya University)

[T15-P-27]Discrimination and correlation of the Miocene and Pliocene caldera ejecta in Yamagata and Fukushima prefectures based on chemical compositions of heavy minerals.

*Kotomi TOGASHI1, Reishi TAKASHIMA2, Yuji ORIHASHI3, Yoshihiro ASAHARA4, Kouki NAGAHASHI5, Takumi KITAMI6, Azumi KUROYANAGI2 (1. Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2. The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Museum, 3. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, 4. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, 5. ITOCHU ENEX Co., Ltd., 6. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.)

[T15-P-28]Neogene-Quaternary stratigraphy of sedimentary rocks around the southern base of Mt. Kurikoma, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

*Yuga MITO1, Reishi TAKASHIMA2, Takuya HARADA3, Azumi KUROYANAGI2 (1. Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2. The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Museum, 3. Mt. Kurikoma Area Geopark Promotion Committee)

[T15-P-30]Volcanic stratigraphy in Dozono district, Mashiki town, Kumamoto Prefecture based on the comparispn between drilled cores and surface geology.

*Reina KAIHARA1, Kiyokazu OOHASHI2, Tomohiro TSUJI1, Susumu SHIBUTANI3 (1. Yamaguchi University, 2. AIST, 3. Chi-ken Sogo Consultants Co.,Ltd)

[T15-P-31][Cancel]Variation of bubble width of volcanic glass depending on distance from the source volcano

*Mayu HASHIMOTO1, Takehiko SUZUKI1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

[T15-P-32]Reexamination of tephra stratigraphy and explosive eruptive history in the Kutcharo Caldera volcano area, eastern Hokkaido

*Shohei SHIBATA1,2, Takeshi HASEGAWA1 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, 2. JSPS PD)

[T15-P-33]A preliminary study to construct a paleomagnetic-oxygen isotopic composite stratigraphy with ultra-high temporal resolution using boring cores drilled through the Quaternary base horizon of a Plio-Pleistocene marine succession in the southernmost part of the Boso Peninsula, Japan

*Ryoka YUHARA1, Makoto OKADA1, Daiki NAGATOMO1, Yusuke SUGANUMA2 (1. Ibaraki univ., 2. National institute of polar research)

[T15-P-34]Organic chemical analyses and sequence stratigraphy of thePleistocene Uonuma group in the northeastern Higashikubiki Hills, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan

*Natsumi KASAI1, Kai ASANO2, Koichi HOYANAGI3 (1. Satoen Co., Ltd., 2. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., 3. Shinshu u.)
【ハイライト講演】魚沼層群は北部フォッサマグナという広大な堆積盆地を埋積する更新統で,陸棚から河川までの多様な環境で堆積した.本研究では野外観察に基づく堆積相解析と室内の化学分析(CNS, δ13C)を並行実施し,シーケンス層序学的解釈と分析結果を比較検討した.結果は興味深く,化学分析結果は堆積相解析の結果と必ずしも一致ない.その不一致の原因も堆積相解析から推察され,詳細な野外調査研究の重要さを認識させる研究である.(ハイライト講演とは...)

[T15-P-35]The characteristics of the paleosols in the Indus Group in the Ladakh area, NW India

*Kohki Yoshida1, Supriyo Kumar Das2, Manoj M.C.3 (1. Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Japan, 2. Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata, India, 3. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow, India)