2025年3月27日(木) 16:45 〜 18:15
第5会場 (福岡国際会議場 202 [2F])
オーガナイザー:横江 弘雅 (横浜薬大薬)、寄立 麻琴 (九大院薬)、佐古 真 (阪大院薬)
[English Session]
The “Young Challengers in Synthetic Organic Chemistry” symposium, held annually since the 121st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, aims to advance synthetic organic chemistry by inspiring and motivating researchers in pharmaceutical research fields. This year, four cutting-edge researchers from both academia and industry in Japan will present a wide range of topics from the development of novel chemical reactions to the discovery of drug candidates.
This symposium highlights recent advancements in synthetic organic chemistry and demonstrates how such innovative progress addresses challenges in pharmaceutical sciences. Additionally, it provides a valuable platform for students and young chemists to forge connections with peers and communicate with leading researchers, promoting collaborative research.
We hope this symposium facilitates the synergies among researchers in different research fields, expanding diversity and potential of synthetic organic chemistry.
This symposium highlights recent advancements in synthetic organic chemistry and demonstrates how such innovative progress addresses challenges in pharmaceutical sciences. Additionally, it provides a valuable platform for students and young chemists to forge connections with peers and communicate with leading researchers, promoting collaborative research.
We hope this symposium facilitates the synergies among researchers in different research fields, expanding diversity and potential of synthetic organic chemistry.
Opening remarks:Hiromasa Yokoe(Yokohama Univ. Pharm.)
○矢崎 亮1,2 (1. 九大高等研、2. 九大院薬)
○浅子 壮美1 (1. 理研CSRS)
○君嶋 葵1、松井 秀仁1、花木 秀明1、浅見 行弘1 (1. 北里大大村研)
[S15-4]「中分子創薬プラットフォーム」〜 LUNA18の創薬研究を事例に〜
○田宮 実1、棚田 幹將1、鷹野 宏治1、白石 拓也1、千代田 彩1、伊藤 俊也1、野村 研一1、橋本 哲1、武山 隆一1、小竹 智也1、河田 発夫1、林 竜児1、石川 史歩1、古市 紀之1、陰 未来1、森田 雄也1、新居 啓司1、西村 祥和1、飯倉 仁1 (1. 中外製薬)